There’s nothing like a good story. Here’s mine.

How I got into strength.

In my line of work, I often get asked if I’ve “always been strong”. Which is, for me, an ironic question to answer… the quickest answer being simply: no. I started strength-training when I was 16 years old. I was incredibly weak to start, but I was strong in my mind, and that makes all the difference. I had been diagnosed at 14 years old with two chronic illnesses (POTS + Chronic Fatigue), that resulted in severe osteoporosis and systemic de-conditioning. I was nearly bedridden for over a year. I knew I needed to make some revisions to my lifestyle, or my body would continue to degrade. I found many of those revisions in a barbell. I didn’t have much to start with, which is why it is critical for me to assure you: it does not matter where you start. Where would you like to end up?

To me, weight-training became symbolic to how I adapted to other challenges in life. We all experience enormous challenges, and the ability to keep head and heart high is imperative to success and happiness. What you do in the gym - the discipline and effort you exert - can be applied to everything else you do in life.

I have attained my NASM-CPT and USPA-CPCP as well as completed several intensive educational programs related to strength and performance in athletes. I have coached both brand new and national-level powerlifters through competition, including myself. I have had the opportunity to learn directly from some incredible individuals, including, but not limited to: Chris Beardsley with Strength and Conditioning Research, Lord Elliott with USPA Powerlifting, Laura Phelps at Queen Bee Power, and Janis Finkelman with Kabuki Strength. I work with my clients in person through All Athletes Welcome Gym, owned by MJ Stock. I currently compete as a raw lifter in the United States Powerlifting Association. I have set USPA state records in the state of Arizona. My personal long-term goals in the sport of raw powerlifting include accomplishing a drug-free 1,000lb total in the 165lb weight class, and playing my continual part in the growth of our community. Strength training can, and should, be for everyone.
Strong in mind, strong in body, strong in spirit.
Strong on the platform.

I was raised by my incredible parents in the mountains of Northern California. Currently, I live in Prescott, Arizona with my partner and dog Zira (a Dutch Shepherd) and cat Vitani (a 7lb semi-feral). My passions outside of training include off-road driving, long hikes in nature, philosophical conversations with friends, writing music, and the never-ending pursuit of knowledge. And… coffee. Always fueled by coffee.